Three Dangerous Types of Truck Accidents

Every truck accident in Orange County is dangerous because commercial trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, significantly outweighing passenger cars with an average weight of around 5,000 pounds. However, there are certain kinds of truck crashes that are especially high-risk and that may be more likely to occur than other crash types.  Truckers need ...

Kansas Truck Accidents and Snow & Ice Removal Issues

Snow and ice on trucks is a big problem. It can especially be an issue for long-haul truckers who come from warm locations and who drive across the country. Truckers who are used to dealing with snow know what is expected of them, while truckers who are from warm weather locations may not be as ...

Shark Killed in I-95 Crash | Law Wire News | July 2015

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$12M Brain Damage Settlement | Law Wire News | July 2015

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